What is Sculptra

Sculptra is the only FDA- approved poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) facial injectable. It is injected into areas of volume loss and over time will induce collagen production in the treated areas. PLLA is a biodegradable material that has been used in medicine for many years including suture material.

Benefits of Sculptra Aesthetic:

  • Works with your body. It works differently from the traditional HA fillers by addressing the underlying problem of facial aging - collagen loss.

  • Delivers significant, subtle results over series of treatments (an average of 3 over a few months).

  • Provide long-lasting results up to 25 months. 80% of patients were satisfied with the results 25 months after their last injection.

Which areas does Sculptra treat?

Sculptra is used to treat and correct the shallow to deep wrinkles and hollowing of many areas:

·       Nasolabial folds – the lines between the sides of the nose and the corners of the mouth

·       Temples

·       Sunken cheeks and mid-face

·       Jowl and pre-jowl area

·       Hollowing under the eyes

How many treatments are required?

Typically, 2 to 4 treatment sessions are required over a span of a few months. The amount injected will vary from person to person depending on how deep the wrinkles are, the amount of volume loss and where they are located. The recommendations will be discussed at your FREE consultation.

How soon will I see results?

Results from Sculptra will gradually appear. Do not be disappointed if you do not see immediate results. The PLLA is a collagen activator and will the collagen will gradually develop over a few weeks and can last more than two years. Remember, it will likely take more than one treatment with Sculptra.

Is there any downtime with Sculptra?

You will have some extra fluid that is injected along with the Sculptra. The fluid will be reabsorbed within a few hours and you may have some slight swelling in the treated areas. This swelling generally resolves in 1 to 2 days. Bruising can sometimes occur with the treatment.

You can apply makeup several hours after treatment and many return to work the next day.

Is Sculptra safe? What are the side effects?

Sculptra is FDA approved and has been used throughout the world since 1999. Sculptra does not contain animal components so there is no allergy testing needed prior to injections. Side effects to Sculptra may include pain at the injection site, redness, bruising, tenderness, itching and lumps, bleeding or swelling. Smaller bumps may be present at the injection site.

What is the cost of Sculptra?

Treatment will vary from person to person. The cost will depend on the number of vials used at each treatment session. Generally, it will take 1 to 3 vials at each session and 2 to 3 sessions for complete correction. The treatments are typically 6 to 8 weeks apart.

Sculptra Before and After


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is collagen important to skin as we age?

Collagen is a fibrous protein helping with skin structure and the fuction of elastin and hyaluronic acid (HA). A healthy supply of collagen will result in a full skin's shape and a smooth complexion.

Who is not the right candidate for Sculptra?

People who are allergic to any ingredients of the product or have a history of keloid formation or hypertrophic scarring shouldn't use Sculptra/ Sculptra has unique injection requirements and should only be performed under the administration of a certified doctor.


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