Where to Get Safe Botox or Filler Near Me?

When it comes to any cosmetic procedure, non-invasive procedures like Botox or Fillers, for example, doing research and finding an experienced doctor to perform the treatment are important.

A skillful, certified practitioner will ensure your safety and the results you desire.


Why do you need to find a reputable doctor for your injectables?

Fillers can add volume to facial areas while Botox is generally used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, and signs of aging. These injections are among the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for their excellent safety profile.

However, these days, there are more and more unqualified providers who perform injections. As the technique and treatment patterns have also evolved to achieve more of a natural look, these procedures have become more dangerous, even lethal in the hand of poor practitioners.

Finding a professional doctor for Botox, Dysport and Filler can ensure:

  • The Results You Want. The more skillful your injector is, the more likely you will achieve your aesthetic goals. An experienced injector will examine your facial anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goal, look into your medical history and determine the best treatment options for you. At Lazaderm, we offer a free consultation for every customer to make sure you have a good understanding of the procedure and you are totally comfortable with the treatment process.

  • Lower risks associated with the treatment. Besides the common side effects like bruising, swelling, soreness, asymmetries that can resolve on their own or corrected, there are more serious complications that can happen. An overdose or misdirected injection at the wrong positions or depth by untrained practitioners can cause vision loss and skin necrosis. The best injectors have the skills and experience to avoid these dangerous complications. Oftentimes skilled injectors are left to fix mistakes done by injectors who are not skilled at their job.

  • A Natural Look. Injecting Botox, Filler, Dysport or any type of injectable is an art. Typically, you will achieve your results without looking overdone or getting recognized. A highly trained and certified doctor has a great understanding of your facial anatomy and knows how many units to inject. Thus, you can rest assured that you have a natural-looking face while improving your overall appearance.

  • Supports during your recovery period. During your initial consultation, the practitioner will inform you of any medication and supplements that can cause bruising or swelling. Post-treatment, you will also receive post-care instructions on the expected results, what you should avoid doing for certain hours, and potential side effects.

Where to find a trusted Botox or Filler injection near you

So, how can you distinguish those who are qualified from those who aren't? How do you know who to trust with your cosmetic injection?

1. Go to a licensed medical professional

The person administering your filler or botox injection should be a licensed doctor, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant, with the latter two being supervised by doctors. At Lazaderm, all of our injections are performed by board-certified doctors.

2. Look at patient reviews, testimonials and ask for before/after photos.

Some good sources you can look up for reviews are Yelp, Google Reviews, or on the provider's website.

It's a red flag if there are barely any before/after photos available. Oftentimes, professionals will promote their work to demonstrate their expertise. If there is little or no before and after photos for injections, the provider might not have a lot of experience.

If they are showing Before & After photos that you think look ugly or unnatural, that might not be a good place to go.

You can also ask for friends' and family's recommendations. Ask yourself if you like the results you see.

3. Avoid "too-good-to-be-true" Deals. Cheap Botox or Filler isn't always good.

The price of Botox, Filler, Dysport or other injectables depends on quite a lot on the expertise of the injector. If the prices seem too low or extremely discounted, the person administering might not have many experiences.

4. Check if the products are FDA-approved

There are counterfeit injectables from China or silicone injectables. You should ask questions about the brands, substances of the products that are going to be injected into your skin.

Our Medspa in Chandler, AZ is a partnership of Allergan's Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm, Restylane, and Sculptra. All of our products are FDA-approved.

5. Beware of nonsterile environments

Injections are a medical procedure and should be performed in a clinic. If your injections are offered in places like hotel rooms, someone's house, or a non-sterile environment, run.

6. On-site Medical Doctors

It's important that the medical professional you go to has a Medical Doctor on the premises or is directed by a Medical Doctor. In case of emergency, you will be able to receive timely treatment and will be directed to a safe place. In a place that doesn't have hospital privileges or a medical doctor, that would alert you that the practitioner might not board-certified or licensed to perform your procedure.

7. Always start with an initial consultation

The consultation not only allows the doctor to determine your treatment plan but also helps you conduct research on the treatment process and injector expertise. If there are some concerning questions unanswered, you should find another practitioner.

Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have as they will help you inform your decisions. Not sure what to ask? Here are your 4 key questions:

  • How often do you perform this treatment?

The frequency of their procedure indicates their expertise and experience.

  • Will you be my injector at every appointment?

It's always best to have the same provider for every appointment. You might end up with different types of fillers or unknown doses of Botox with different doctors.

  • What are the potential side effects and how do you handle them when they occur?

The provider must be able to tell you the potential side effects that you can expect, and provide thorough post-care instruction.

  • How can I follow up with you if I have a question?

Best Botox, Filler, Dysport Injectors Near Me

If you are thinking of having any injectables, it's highly recommended to do your research. Look up your provider's credentials, their before & after photos, level of training, and products used.

Why Lazaderm for Botox or Filler Injections in Chandler, AZ:

  • FDA-approved Botox and dermal fillers.

  • Free Consultation for every patient.

  • Customized treatment plan catering to your needs and aesthetic goals.