The 7 Most Common Misconception about Chemical Peels

For many clients, the word "chemical peel" evokes the appalling image of Samantha from "Sex and the City" with her red, raw, blistered face after a peel.

The chemical peels today have evolved drastically from those 20 or 30 years ago. Chemical peels have been proven to be an effective non-invasive treatment option to improve skin texture, acne, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and sun damages.

It's time to clear up the misconceptions surrounding chemical peels.

Here are the seven common misconceptions as well as additional information to help learn better informed of the procedure.


First, What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels use an acid solution to remove the dead layer of skin and promote new collagen production. Depending on the treatment concerns, different strengths of chemical peels will be applied: superficial peels, mild peels, and deep peels.

Misconception #1: Chemical Peels are Dangerous

The word "chemical" in the peel or the "acid" in ingredients often makes people wary about the safety of the procedure. When performed by a licensed aesthetician or medical provider, chemical peels are very safe and can do a fantastic job on your skin.

The acid used in the procedures is used in small doses and is removed from your skin quickly so there is no danger. Many chemical peels also use naturally occurring acids such as fermented milk in lactic acid peels, sugar cane in glycolic peels, and bitter almond extract in mandelic peels.

Misconception #2: Chemical Peels Will Make Your Skin Red and Irritated

This is probably the most common misconception about chemical peels.

While a peel that is too strong or isn't administered properly can leave you with sensitive, red skin, a typical peel should leave your skin feeling just fine.

While temporary redness is a potential side effect, it mostly resolves within 48 hours on its own.

Misconception #3: Chemical Peels Aren’t for Certain Skin Types

Many people think chemical peels are not right for those with rosacea or a darker skin tone. The truth is as long as you discuss your skin concern with your aestheticians during your consultation, the practitioner will be able to administer and customize a peel right for you.

Certain types of peels have a higher risk of hyperpigmentation for people with darker skin tones. There are specific peels that are designed to treat sensitive or darker skin types specifically.

Misconception #4: The Procedure Requires a lot of Downtime

Recovery time depends on the type and strength of the peel. Most often, you can return to work or your normal activities almost immediately with no downtime. However, you do need to apply sunscreen and limit your sun exposure as your skin will become more sensitive after the procedure.


Misconception #5: All Chemical Peels are the Same

There are different types of peels that are each indicated for specific skin concerns and conditions.

Depending on your skin conditions (breakout, acne-prone skin, aging, or uneven skin tones), the aesthetician will advise and create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Misconception #6: Same Results and Responses for Every Peel Session

Many patients have a different response to the same peels throughout the treatment series. Your response to a peel can depend on a lot of different factors including weather/time of the year, your current skin health, your overall skin tolerance, frequency of treatment and skin routine.

Misconception #7: Only People with Problem Skin Should Do Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are not only effective at treating skin imperfection but are also helpful at maintaining skin health and appearance.

Peels can help you restore your healthy skin and prevent conditions such as aging, clogged pores, dull skin, and uneven skin tone. Mild regular peels can help maintain smooth and hydrated skin.

Chemical Peels Near Me

If you are unsure if chemical peels are right for your skin, we’d love to offer you a free consultation with one of our Chandler aestheticians. During the initial consultation, the practitioner will examine your skin conditions, aesthetics goals and customize a treatment plan just for you.

Why Lazaderm for Chemical Peels in Chandler, AZ

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