Why Avoid Cheap Botox and Fillers Deal on Groupon?

Cosmetic procedures can be expensive and finding a good deal to save money is very tempting. Groupon and other discount sites might promote great deals that you cannot pass up.

But have you ever thought why Botox, Fillers, or Dysport are offered so cheaply like that?

If you see a price that is "too-good-to-be-true", then it might be. A cheap Botox or Filler injection deal might be performed by a poorly trained provider or fake products might be used.

Remember: Authentic, FDA-approved injectables are subject to strict regulations and are only available from licensed physicians. You get what you pay so do your research before purchasing any unusually low deals.


Why You Should Never Buy Cheap Injectables

  1. About 25% of patients who shop for bargain injectables suffer from complications post-treatment. Dermal Fillers, Botox of Dysport Injection are extremely safe when administered by a medically professional doctor who has a great knowledge of facial anatomy and the procedure itself. When done poorly, patients will end up with facial asymmetry, infection, or even blindness. The price you pay to fix the problem will end up way higher than some money you saved on the deals.

  2. The products might be from China or other countries that have different regulations on injectables. The U.S has strict regulations on medical products to ensure your safety. Just because a product is approved in another country doesn't mean it's FDA-approved. Always ask your Filler or Botox doctors which brands of products they are using and if they are FDA-approved.

  3. The products they are injecting could be counterfeit or expired. Authentic Botox and fillers injectables are only available to licensed physicians. Reputable doctors exclusively order products from the manufacturer or an authorized distributor. At our aesthetic clinic in Chandler AZ, our doctors only use FDA-approved injectables including Botox Cosmetics, Juvederm, Restylane, Sculptra, and Kybella.

  4. The products they are injecting could be over-diluted with saline. If your injectables are over-diluted, your results can last much less than it should. A Botox and Dysport could last between 3-6 months and Fillers can last up to 2 years.

  5. The practitioner is not properly trained. There are many self-claimed certified providers who stick the needle into the patient's skin without much training and experience. The pricing of injection depends a lot on the expertise of the doctor. Do your research to ensure your injector is a qualified board-certified specialist with proper training. Going to a medically licensed aesthetic clinic allows you to achieve your best results with minimal risk associated.

  6. The procedure is performed in a non-sterile environment. Injectables procedures use a needle to break into your skin so there is a risk of injection. Some provider performs the injections in a hotel room, their house, or reuse syringes from previous treatments or patients to save the costs. You should never agree to have your injection done in non-sterile places.

How to Save Money on Botox, Filler, Dysport

Injectables are FDA-regulated products and are subject to strict manufacturing and distribution rules.

Injectables from reputable, licensed clinics like Lazaderm Chandler, AZ will always give you a reasonable price.

If you want to find deals on Botox, Filler or save some money, here are tips:

  • Take advantage of manufacturer rebates and points programs such as Brilliant Distinction and Aspire Galderma Rewards.

  • Special events or monthly discounts by the doctors or licensed practitioners advertised on their website. Big No-No to third-party internet coupons.

  • Ask for discounts in exchange for reviews or promotional Before & After photos.

Safe Injectables in Lazaderm Aesthetic Clinic

Our medical spa in Chandler, AZ is committed to providing the highest quality care and results for every patient. At Lazaderm, we offer a free consultation for every patient to ensure you are well informed and most comfortable with your treatment. Call us at (480)-5730-7546 or contact us online to book your appointment.

Why Lazaderm for Filler and Botox Near Me:

  • FDA-approved Botox, Filler, and Dysport.

  • Board-certified injectors. Top 4% Injectors nationwide.

  • Special pricing and monthly promotions on skincare, injectables, and non-surgical treatments.

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